Corrosion Monitoring and Chemical Injection Tools
CORROSOURCE was founded on the principles of reliable service and quality products. Beginning in 2014, our company has expanded from a single low-pressure coupon retriever to multiple product lines that serve the needs of corrosion monitoring and chemical injection. We also partner with our customers to provide custom monitoring tools to meet a specific application or need.
Our products are manufactured and assembled in the United States of America. If requested, high pressure systems can be tested and certified to meet the growing demands of risk management. Also available for high-pressure systems is our web-based tool database that easily tracks tool assets. For more information about the tool tracking system, ask about ProFlow.
We look forward to providing an economical solution to meet your corrosion control system tool needs.
Corrosion Coupon Retrievers
Chemical Injection Systems
3in1 Monitoring System
Low-Pressure < 350PSI MOP
The CORROTOOL350 is designed to meet your low-pressure monitoring needs. The simple design of this corrosion coupon retriever provides quick installation and extraction of coupon samples in the field. Even at low-pressure there are two safety features builts into this tool to inlcude a machined mechanical stop in the main body and a safety chain.
304 Stainless Steel
1" NPT Connection
Coupon Rod 1/4"- 24"long(other sizes available)
Round Coupon Insert(other holders available)
bleed valve
mechanical rod stop machined into body
safety chain
Mid-Pressure < 1000PSI MOP
The CORROTOOL1000 is designed to meet your mid-pressure monitoring needs. The simple design of this corrosion coupon retriever provides quick installation and extraction of coupon samples in the field. There are safety features builts into this tool to inlcude a machined mechanical stop in the main body and a safety chain.
304 Stainless Steel Components
1" NPT Connection
Coupon Rod 3/8"- 24"length(other sizes available)
Round Coupon Insert(other holders available)
bleed valve
mechanical rod stop machined into body
safety chain
High Pressure < 2500 PSI MOP
The CORROTOOLMAX is designed to meet your low-pressure monitoring needs. The simple design of this corrosion coupon retriever provides quick installation and extraction of coupon samples in the field. There are two safety features builts into this tool to inlcude a machined mechanical stop in the main body, coupon rod top clamp and a safety chain.
304 Stainless Steel Components
1" NPT Connection
24" Coupon Rod(other sizes available)
1/4" Round Coupon Insert(other holders available)
bleed valve
mechanical rod stop machined into body
safety chain
Chemical Injection Systems
The CORROTOOLINJECTION system has been designed to effeciently deliver chemical to the flow. The injection systems are equipped with a 1/4" in-line check valve, gauge and flow valve and ready for operation. All systems can be customized to meet your requirments. Components are stainless steel. The injection retriever is equiped with a safety chain and mechanical rod stop in the main body.
304 Stainless Steel
1" NPT Connection
24"- 3/8" Injection Tube
2.5" Gauge
1/4" In-Line Check Valve
bleed valve
mechanical rod stop machined into body
safety chain
The CORROTOOLINJECTION system has been designed to effeciently deliver chemical to the flow. The injection systems are equipped with a 1/4" in-line check valve, gauge and flow valve and ready for operation. All systems can be customized to meet your requirments. Components are stainless steel. The injection retriever is equiped with a safety chain and mechanical rod stop in the main body.
304 Stainless Steel
1" NPT Connection
24"- 3/8" Injection Tube
2.5" Gauge
1/4" In-Line Check Valve
bleed valve
mechanical rod stop machined into body
safety chain
3 in 1 Monitoring System
The CORROTRAP system has been designed to conveniently collect three corrosion control monitoring samples in one system. The CORROTRAP system allows technicians to obtain a solid, liquid and corrosion coupon sample from one access point. Our standard system is designed to capture an approximately 200ml liquid sample.
The CORROTRAP system can be customized to meet your monitoring applications.
304 Stainless Steel
2" NPT Connection
1/2" SS Ball Valve for sampling port
1/2" SS Ball Vavle for bleed or secondary flush port
Solid Sample Filter
Corrosion Coupon Rod plug